A baby, after it is born is completely depended on breast milk but as it grows up, different food items need to be introduced to keep it mentally and physically healthy. Baby food needs to be chosen very carefully as they are very sensitive. Their body is not equipped to fight bacteria's and if not chosen properly, can lead to serious problems. Baby food is limited to certain food items and we need to make sure that within these boundaries the baby gets all the nutrient.
Here are few basic guidelines for baby food -
1.Baby Food Timing – Unlike adults, babies need to have their food several times a day. They cannot have a bulk in one time thus, it is important that they are fed in intervals.
Birth to 1 Week - 6 to 10 feeds
1 Week to 1 Month – 6 to 8 feeds
1 to 3 Months - 5 to 6 feeds
3 to 7 Months – 4 to 5 feeds
7 to 12 Months – 3 to 4 feeds
2.Well Cooked Food – Baby food needs to be cooked well for them to find it easy to swallow. But one thing we need to remember is that well cooked does not mean over cooked. Over cooked food loose their nutrients. The food even though boiled should be tasty. If they don't like the food, they would not like to eat it. To make the food tasty, you can toss it up with butter or mash it with cooked dal water. This adds on some taste to the food and the baby likes it
3.Fruit Juices – Fruit juice is good for your baby and should be given every morning and evening before 3 o' clock. Though modern doctors, find having food fruit after 3 o' clock no offense but it is best to stick to the old norms. The reason is that 3 o' clock is the time when in most parts of India Sun starts setting and at this time the fruits undergo chemical changes which is not in favour of the body. Fruit juice should also be given to the baby half an hour after breakfast. This will prevent acidity. If your baby is still on milk diet then it is best to avoid fruit juice. As it might cause acidity and stomach pain
4.Bitter Gourd Juice – No matter how careful we are, sometimes stomach infections are bound to happen, specially with babies newly introduced to solid food. A spoon of bitter gourd juice everyday will kill all the germs.
5.Solid Food (Vegetables and Fruits) – It is best to avoid cereal as the first solid food. The first solid food should be banana. Its main benefit is that it helps the body of the baby to grow well and also is an introduction to good fat. Though the banana should be mashed, don't mash it into a fine paste. Cut it into small pieces. Trying to bite or suck on the pieces is a good exercise for the baby. For lunch steamed rice and dal with finely chopped vegetables is a good choice. This is a healthy diet but make sure that the quantity of dal is less. Dal is high in protein and difficult to digest.
6.Introduction To Non Veg – Meat, egg, fish etc can be included when he is 8 months old. By this time your babies is ready to accommodate protein though in a very small quantity. Never team up meat with dal and rice. It will be too much of protein together. Babies can be served with chicken
clear soup, mashed meat with vegetables etc. When he is consuming meat, let that be his whole meal. After loads of sweet and plain diet, your kid will love the taste but make sure you treat him to non veg food only twice a week. After 10 months however, egg can be included in his regular diet.
Baby food needs to be designed very carefully, as it is not only about nutrients but there eating habits also build up at this time. You yourself might not be aware of his food likes an dislikes, about food allergies etc. Thus, choose food with care and make sure very meal should be a treat to your baby, this will help him like food.